Where are you in your music journey?
Do you have a hard drive full of unfinished demos?
Do you need vocals or instruments added to your songs?
Are you ready to record, but haven't found a place perfectly suited for metal?
Are you recording everything yourself and need some advice?
Do you just need editing, mixing, or mastering?
No matter where you're starting, I'll make sure you end up with something that shatters expectations


Why Choose Me?
I want to help you fulfill your vision
Your music is unique and it deserves an individualized approach.
Too many metal bands are being dragged and dropped into templates and they end up sounding just like everyone else. I won't let you be just another band stuck using Slate Snare 12A and the same predictable Kemper profile.
I'll work closely with you every step of the way to ensure that what makes your music unique and different is reflected in the final product.
I have a deep understanding of every element that goes into creating great metal music; I've spent the last 16 years writing, performing, producing, recording, mixing, and mastering it.
I know what it's like to step into a studio and have my time and money wasted; that's part of why I started doing this in the first place. If you have any questions, hit the button below - no strings attached.

Let's Talk